Friday, March 5, 2010

Violet Turns 2

I took some pictures so I can remember this age and stage in her life. I wanted pictures that captures her beauty, personality and a few of her favorite things.
I love her beautiful blue eyes and smile. And no, I didn't do anything to her eyes, she just has these amazing blue eyes.

She is also feisty. Her three older brothers are scared of her.

She's also just plain silly.

We can't forget to include a picture of her pout.

And of course her very busy, get into everything, climb up on anything, cute chubby hands.

This look I see often. To me this is my little Violet Rose. Her light in her lovely eyes, her innocence and her ability to love unconditionally, is my two year old little girl. Below I've attached a couple of her favorite things. Here puppy that was given to her when she was born by her cousin, Katarina and her new black boots. I wish they made them in my size.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

You are one sweet, sweet, mother to post about your little girl on her special day!

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