Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Me Ra Koh Confidence Workshop

A week ago I had the opportunity to attend Me Ra Koh's "Confidence Workshop". It was an amazing experience. Me Ra and her husband, Brain are the nicest, down to earth people. They were so funny, they had me laughing non stop. One of the things I learned was finding the artist within me. What about me and my experiences can I bring to my pictures. On Sat. and Sun. we had actual models come. I must admit I was so nervous taking pictures in a group setting. I still struggled with my confidence but I made it through. It was good that I had to stretch myself that's how we learn, right? Oh, and I have to mention that the ladies that I learned with were great. They were all so friendly and helpful. We even started our own FB page. Here are just a few pictures that I took.


Anonymous said...

DANG girl just when I think you couldn`t get better you do something else awesome! I am so glad you got to go and do something for you!! You deserve it you super mom next time you better stay longer and get a massage or something!
I am so very proud of you!

Ariane said...

I forgot to scroll down I guess, I LOVE these! Wow do I ever, they each tell a story. Way to go little artist!

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